Motul Inugel Expert Ultra Hybrid Coolant Concentrate
Ready to use cooling liquid Anti-corrosion and anti freeze, Protection -30C/-22F Nitrite free / Amine free / Phosphate free
Packaging (12-1 Liter Bottles/Case)
MOTUL INUGEL EXPERT is a ready to use cooling liquid, based on monoethyleneglycol, using an organic / non organic mix technology, named hybrid additives. This product can be mixed with all monoethyleneglycol based coolants.
Recommended for all cooling systems : passenger cars, heavy duty, construction and agriculture vehicles, gardening, ships, stationary engines ?
Contains a bitterness agent to prevent from drinking : coolants and antifreezes have a sweet taste but are harmful.
Protects the cooling system from freezing and metallic parts from corrosion.
Provides an excellent thermal exchange and then engine cooling efficiency.
Both silicates and organic acids provide anti-corrosion properties that remain while ageing.
Seals, durits and plastic parts friendly.
Ready to use, do not add any water
Drain intervals : Refer to the manufacturers' recommendation.
This product should not be used to protect dinking water systems against freezing.